What Are Your Thoughts on AI?

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What Are Your Thoughts on AI?

Post by RedRosa »

I was talking to an friend who is an educator and the topic came up.

No technology is neutral. They all have inherent biases. We introduce new tech into society without ever evaluating or knowing how they will change us. Radically sometimes. Right now nobody knows how AI is going to mature.

That said, I'm old enough to remember when slide rules and pocket calculators were banned from math class. Now they're required. I suspect AI is going to be bad news. I also suspect that 5 or 10 years from now students will be encouraged to seek writing support from AI.
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Re: What Are Your Thoughts on AI?

Post by NachosSupreme »

I'm honestly quite worried for a number of reasons
  • Any attempt to regulate it will likely be window-dressing since the powers that be want a world they can control with the push of a button
  • Technology has often been an instrument by which a small number of people can impose their will upon a larger number of people.
  • AI also poses the issue of the fact that it may eventually develop its own agency, and it's agenda might not be in alignment with ours. Given that something of this nature is hard to comprehend, it wouldn't be hard for it to grow outside our control (assuming it hasn't already, cynical as that sounds).
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Re: What Are Your Thoughts on AI?

Post by MarieGreen »

What worries me about AI is what data sources it pulls from rather than the risk of students cheating. There have always been options available for that and use of AI understanding it's limitations is probably more helpful than banning it.

But AI draws from data from societies and those societies have inherent bigotry, bias etc. Its only fairly recently that some of this bias has become clear. And it's not necessarily deliberate, just based out of a man being seen as the "norm" impacting everything from drugs, to PPE, to heart attacks to seat belts.

If we can make mistakes like this without AI,I worry it will get worse still with it.
So confused.
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